28 Quotes by Sarah Blake

"She imagined she could pull Time like taffy, stretching it longer and longer between her hands until the finest point had been reached, the point just before breaking, and she could live there. A point at the center of time with no going forward, no going back. Clasped in this way, without speaking, walking into no discernible ending, she could almost believe they tread on time."


"A life can change in a single moment, and from there you simply move forward."


"And why just then, why that moment was the moment in which she understood quite suddenly her own death, she couldn’t say. Simply, she saw how he would miss her."


"But it is a mistake to think news happens somewhere else. To others. The news is always about you."


"Because people are people. Evie fixed her eyes on him. People have complicated lives. Lives that don’t necessarily fall so cleanly into black-and-white choices – people are blind, but still well-intended, and see as far as they can."


"There is the crime and there is silence."


"No matter how well you take care of the dying, no matter if you sit beside them every minute, every day – in the end they must go, and you stay. And you wave them off. You lie."


"I am old. And tired of the terrible clarity of the young."
