221 Quotes by Sarah MacLean
"Of all the myriad ways we define love, there is perhaps none more honest and powerful than this: Great love is rooted in great partnership."
"The best partnerships aren't dependent on a mere common goal but on a shared path of equality, desire, and no small amount of passion."
"Un momento con una donna capricciosa vale undici anni di vita noiosa. A single moment with a fiery female is worth eleven years of a boring life."
"Romance readers love a wealthy hero, and why not? There's value in a man able to hire a helicopter, a coach and six horses, or a collection of werewolves to do his bidding - and the bidding of the lucky woman on his arm."
"The best romance writers know there's nothing that builds conflict or makes a gentleman of a rogue more quickly than responsibility."
"When I feel hurt, I fully experience my emotions (and don't make them anyone else's problem!). Then I question my thoughts, examining my belief system and meeting the reality of life."
"One of the most common criticisms of romance is that the genre is too prescribed: If every romance novel ends happily ever after, don't the stories lack complexity? Don't the readers get bored?"
"He raked his fingers through his hair. "She doesn't need me." Ralston smirked. "You are laboring under that mistaken impression that it is their job to need us. In my experience it is almost always the other way around."