98 Quotes by Sarah Winman

"There was no point in tears outliving eyes, so she let them fall."


"Tree said, Thanks for everything. It’s been nice knowing you. You too, said Cress. Will you be OK? I’m a tree. I’ve done this a thousand times before. Done what? Goodbyes. Really? Think about it. Leaves"


"Popularity, my dear, is as overrated as a large member."


"Each job, to me, is proof that I still can care."


"When he stopped, she bent down and kissed him on the head and said, Thank you. Because everything she held on and everything she believed in came together in that unexpected moment. The simple belief that men and boys were capable of beautiful things."


"I carried the tree into the front room where cloves had punctured the skin of oranges and I could see where you had been only minutes before. Your indent was still warm on the sofa with a book open to its side, a table with an empty plate, a cardigan, and the slow fade of a fire."


"I said to him that just because you can’t remember, doesn’t mean the past isn’t out there. All those precious moments are still there somewhere."


"And for two hours the wine was poured, the cheese cut, and the two men talked. Of what? Who knows? Of love, of war, of the past. And they listened with hearts instead of ears, and in the candle-lit kitchen three floors up in an old palazzo, death was put on hold."


"I wondered if all women did with other women was lie and hug."


"Nothing stays forgotten for long, Elly. Sometimes we simply have to remind the world that we're special and that we're still here."
