98 Quotes by Sarah Winman
"I thought this is how it would be if the sun died. The gentle shutting down of an organ; sleepy no longer working. No explosion at the end of life just the slow disintegration into darkness where life as we know it never wakes up because nothing reminds us that we have to."
"You're a Doer, my love. That's why God made you so big. So you could do everything yourself. Girls like you don't quit til you're dead. That should be a comfort."
"I’d been feeling like this for a while; the continual looking back the stuckness of it all. I blamed it on the coming new year only 4 1/2 months away when the clocks would read zero and we would start again, could start again, but I knew we wouldn’t. Nothing would. The world would be the same, just a little bit worse."
"Pero sobre todo escribí acerca de él, que ahora se llamaba Max, acerca de mi hermano, nuestro amigo, que llevaba diez días desaparecido. Y escribí acerca de lo que había perdido aquella mañana: el testigo de mi alma, mi sombra de la infancia, cuando los sueños eran pequeños y alcanzables para todos; cuando los dulces costaban un penique y Dios era un conejo."
"I was never in any danger," she said calmly. "Nothing can ever hurt me. Nothing can take me from me."
"I'd been feeling like this for a while, the continual looking back, the stuckness of it all. I blamed it on the coming New Year, only four and a half months away, when the clocks would read zero and we would start again, could start again, but I knew we wouldn't. Nothing would. The world would be the same, just a little bit worse."