98 Quotes by Sarah Winman
"And when he looked over, his dad was dead and glowing on top of the bed. Glare from a street lamp had snuck in through the curtain and had lit up the old boy like some medieval saint."
"My father believed it was a cancerous lump, not because my mother was genetically prone to such a thing, but because he was looking out for the saboteur of his wonderful life."
"- Mas tu disseste que quando fosse mais velha podia ser aquilo que quisesse - disse-lhe.Ela sorriu e respondeu:- E podes ser. Mas não é muito fácil tornarmo-nos judeus.- Eu sei - respondi desolada. - Preciso de um número.Ela parou subitamente de sorrir."
"Três e vinte e oito. A Torre Norte desapareceu. Imagens da empoeirada superfície lunar onde outrora havia uma avenida de pessoas com cafés na mão, a sorrir, a dirigirem-se apressadamente para o trabalho, talvez a pensar no almoço ou no que iam fazer mais tarde, porque àquela hora da manhã o mais tarde ainda existia."
"I'm going to run away," she said. "Where to?""Atlantis," she said."Where's that?""No one really knows where it is," she said. "But I'll find it and then I'll go and then they'll worry."
"Si no tenemos una razón para vivir, ¿qué sentido tiene la vida? La existencia necesita un propósito, y éste consiste en ser capaces de soportar el sufrimiento de la vida con dignidad. El propósito nos da una razón para continuar, pero el significado debe calar en nuestro corazón, no en nuestra mente. Debemos comprender el significado de nuestro sufrimiento."
"—¿A qué huele? —preguntó Jenny mirando alrededor. —A la llegada del invierno —contesté exhalando un profundo suspiro."
"She trekked back across the meadow and down through the trees in possession of the oldest secret known to man. She sat on the mooring stone and surrendered immediately to the down of night. She hadn't slept long before she suddenly jolted awake. Thought she had heard the sweet call of a lark ascending. Unaware that it was actually the sound of her soul awakening."