154 Quotes by Scott Walker

  • Author Scott Walker
  • Quote

    It’s time to put our differences aside and find ways to work together to move Wisconsin forward.

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  • Author Scott Walker
  • Quote

    The music has to be as interesting. It has to keep taking you into places that you’re at least not used to.

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  • Author Scott Walker
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    Now things have changed for the better. Our reforms end seniority and tenure so we can hire and fire based on merit and pay based on performance. That means we can put the best and the brightest in our classrooms – and we can keep them there.

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  • Author Scott Walker
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    You hear some people talk about border security and a wall and all that. To me, I don’t know that you need any of that if you had a better, saner way to let people into the country in the first place.

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  • Author Scott Walker
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    The people who are making you feel under attack is your union leadership, and they’re doing it for politically intense reasons.

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  • Author Scott Walker
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    But I don’t want massive layoffs of anyone – public or private. We are planning on shrinking government through attrition and reform, not through random pink slips.

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  • Author Scott Walker
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    You see, here in America there’s a reason why we celebrate the 4th of July and not April 15th because in America we celebrate our independence from the government, not our dependence on it.

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  • Author Scott Walker
  • Quote

    A wise governor told me a long time ago, political capital you don’t get more of by keeping it. You get it by using it.

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  • Author Scott Walker
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    I don’t want to be a slave to history or facts. As long as I’m getting a good cursory understanding of what it is and I’m not drifting too far away at certain points, then I can play with the idea and take it anywhere I want to.

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