472 Quotes by Scott Westerfeld

"Darcy closed her eyes. Their lips met, and she breathed in the scent of the sun-heated tar beneath them and the salt of Imogen’s skin. She felt the rumble of the traffic below traveling up through the building and into her spine, her fingertips, her tongue."


"Most men’s awareness doesn’t extend past their dinner plates."


"I like my first lines short and declarative. No complicated sentences. Of course, that’s not really a Scott thing. It’s pretty classic grab-the-reader technique."


"Maybe that was the point of truth-you could erase it all you wanted, and it was there was to be discovered again."


"Because that’s what people need after traumas, apparently – lots of long conversations about the effects of trauma."


"Hiding from the truth was worse than being lied to."


"First love is amazing and wonderful, but a kind of panic underlies it, a sense of not knowing what you’re doing."


"The war will end one day. Wars always do."


"I thought when he learned my secret, he would understand the ally I could be. But instead, he doesn’t even know who I am."


"So what are those balloons for? In case you fall off your hoverboard?′ – Tally to Peris."
