176 Quotes by Sean Hannity

  • Author Sean Hannity
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    If someone’s not attacking you that means you’re not doing your job effectively.

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  • Author Sean Hannity
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    When you say “Ghetto Fights,” that sounds extremely racist.

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  • Author Sean Hannity
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    I think there’s definitely billions and billions in waste, fraud and abuse. There’s billions that can be generated in the economy by eliminating the bureaucracy.

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  • Author Sean Hannity
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    The only thing I believe is individual responsibility doesn’t mean the government is the answer to ever fear and every problem every individual has. We are the masters of our own destiny.

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  • Author Sean Hannity
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    With guests who are ‘in the middle of the fight,’ we’re able to hear their point-of-view on the topics, as well as advance our own feelings.

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  • Author Sean Hannity
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    You can be a good person without any racial intent and still want to keep the flag. That’s what I learned in my time in the south.

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  • Author Sean Hannity
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    Whatever you dream is you find a way to get there, even if you’re not paid a lot. Do it for the love of what you do.

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  • Author Sean Hannity
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    I’m not impressed by people’s degrees. Harvard doesn’t impress me, Yale doesn’t impress me, Columbia doesn’t impress me.

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  • Author Sean Hannity
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    Hypnosis I believe is real. The only problem I guess I have is that, you know, if God or somebody who passed on in my life wanted to talk to me, why wouldn’t they come directly to me?

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