86 Quotes by Sharon M. Draper

  • Author Sharon M. Draper
  • Quote

    “Vorrei essere come gli altri ragazzi”.“Quindi vorresti essere meschina, falsa e ottusa?”[...]“No. Vorrei essere normale.”“Essere normali è uno schifo!” è sbottata.

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  • Author Sharon M. Draper
  • Quote

    What’s right isn’t always popular, and whats popular isn’t always right.

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  • Author Sharon M. Draper
  • Quote

    She talked to me like I was just like any other student, not a kid in a wheelchair.

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  • Author Sharon M. Draper
  • Quote

    A couple of weeks later my dad and I were in the car and we passed by a McDonald’s. I screeched and kicked and pointed like Godzilla was coming down the street. Dad must have thought I was nuts. Finally, he said, “Would you like to stop and get a Big Mac and a shake for dinner tonight as a treat?

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  • Author Sharon M. Draper
  • Quote

    I learned to dream through reading, learned to create dreams through writing, and learned to develop dreamers through teaching. I shall always be a dreamer.

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  • Author Sharon M. Draper
  • Quote

    But Penny was born perfect and copper-bright, just like her name. From the minute she came home from the hospital, she was a really happy baby. Mom truly did carry a little bundle of joy into the house. But.

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  • Author Sharon M. Draper
  • Quote

    But I’ll always love you, and I’ll always miss you and I’ll never forget that It’s okay to put dragons in the jungle and tears on a tiger.

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  • Author Sharon M. Draper
  • Quote

    Go ahead and cry, Andy. Don’t be afraid of those tears. Sometimes they help to wash the soul clean.

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