38 Quotes by Sheikh Gulzar

  • Author Sheikh Gulzar
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    Since it's thought to have a balancing effect on the female hormonal system, Angelica sinensis var. Cashmeriana is sometimes referred to as "female viagra.

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  • Author Sheikh Gulzar
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    Article 370 was only 'tunnel of light' connecting and and erstwhile disputed state of Jammu and Kashmir.

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  • Author Sheikh Gulzar
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    Today, across the state of Jammu and Kashmir, where Maharaja Hari Singh is being recognized as a patriot and a good ruler, there is strong opposition in certain quarters.

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  • Author Sheikh Gulzar
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    Please don't think that Dugurs,cashmirians,Punjabis,Balti,Kargili,Tibati,Pahadis have accepted the abrogation of Article 370.

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  • Author Sheikh Gulzar
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    Mob lynching on its peak in Jammu after Abrogration of 370.Twp muslim innocent nomads beaten by goons of RSS group Gahrote area of Barwal tehsil.Now it is sin for a common man having cattles in Jammu.It all happens because of communal forces growing under some leaders sponsored by RSS

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  • Author Sheikh Gulzar
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    زمین کے ٹکڑے پر راج کرنے سے وہ کہیں بُلند ہے جو دلوں پر حکومت کرتے ہیں۔

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  • Author Sheikh Gulzar
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    What about Ginkgo biloba tree? What should we name it ?

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  • Author Sheikh Gulzar
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    It is up to man to go wherever he wants, stay wherever he wants, do whatever he wants and meet whomever he wants but this is not the case in disputed state of Kashmir.

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