129 Quotes by Shelly Crane

"Everything we'll accomplish, we'll do it together or not at all."


"Caleb jerked me into the room and quickly shut the door as he flipped on the lights. “Well, that was just great,” he said sarcastically.“I’m sure she’s seen your cute behind before,” I told him as I went to my suitcase. “I’m sure she changed plenty of your diapers.” He grimaces. “I don’t want to think about it.” I just laughed at him more"


"Oh, Lillian. Trying to make order of the chaos that is love is like trying to figure out why chocolate ice cream makes your toes curl."


"(Maggie)I opened my senses as I made my way stealthily down the hall. Truly all that was missing was Mission Impossible theme music, but if I was being honest, it was playing in my head anyway."


"Billings pulled a roll from a compartment in his cargo pants leg. We gawked at him in disbelief. He shrugged. "What? You never know when you're going to need duct tape."


"The things we fight for are the things that we keep with us forever."


"I saw something in you that I couldn’t live without. I chose you, inside of me, and you chose me. It’s not one sided, it only works when both people choose the other. You are perfect for me in every way."


"You’re pretty amazing,” I said softly. “Hey, that’s my line,” he said grinning."


"You chose me, I chose you. End of story."


"You can’t get married unless you love each other. Cause then all the babies will be born with no love in them-."
