592 Quotes by Sherman Alexie

  • Author Sherman Alexie
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    But epics are rarely honest, and honesty should never be epic.

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  • Author Sherman Alexie
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    As for romance, Frank had dated a few women over the years but found them to be too inconsistent and illogical, so he dated a few men and found them to be even more random and frightening.

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  • Author Sherman Alexie
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    Even Crazy Horse, the famous Oglala warrior, was named for his father. But nobody called him Junior, for rather logical reasons. “Look! There’s the most feared and mysterious Indian of all time! Behold! It is Junior!

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  • Author Sherman Alexie
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    Whites and Indians laughed at most of the same jokes, but they laughed for different reasons.

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  • Author Sherman Alexie
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    All the anger in the world has come to my house. It’s there in my closet. In my refrigerator. In the water. In the sheets. It’s in my clothes. Can you smell it? I can never run away from it. It’s in my hair. I can feel it between my teeth. Can you taste it? I hear it all the time. All the time the anger is talking to me. It’s the devil. I’m the devil. If I could I’d crawl into a hole if I knew God was in there. Where’s the hole?

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  • Author Sherman Alexie
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    The problem for me with liberals is that we’ve abdicated our moral responsibility to the universe.

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  • Author Sherman Alexie
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    But I’m also addicted to books. And I know there has never been a human being or a television show, no matter how great, that could measure up to a great book.

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  • Author Sherman Alexie
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    We didn’t domesticate cats. They domesticated themselves. But not totally, you know? You take a good look at any house cat, and you can tell there’s eventually going to be a day when it goes back wild, you know? When it reverts to its true nature. You fall over and die in a house with your dog, and your dog will lie down beside your dead body, maybe right on top of it, and starve to death. But a house cat will feast on your eyes as soon as its stomach starts growling.

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  • Author Sherman Alexie
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    Hell, sometimes it feels like the whole country is on fire. Like a constant conflagration is burning too close to all poor people. Shouldn’t rich-ass America be taking care of everybody?

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