132 Quotes by Simon R. Green

"You have to believe in your dreams because sometimes they believe in you."


"Nostalgia for old fictions is the strongest nostalgia of all."


"After all, you’re only an immortal until someone manages to kill you. After that, you were just long-lived."


"See, phrenology is this old Victorian science, which claimed you could determine the dominant traits of a man's personality by studying the bumps on his head. The size and position of these bumps indicated different personality traits. See? Now, /retro-phrenology/ says, why not change a man's personality by hitting him on the head with a hammer, till you raise just the right bumps in the right places!""One of us needs a lot more drinks," said Alex. "That's starting to make sense."


"Добре е да знам, че още мога да разпаля огъня, ако се наложи."


"First rule of engineering; beware prototypes. Along with, avoid anything made by an engineer who doesn't have all his own fingers"


"I want a gun, Happy said immediately. "A really big gun. I want a fully functioning Death Star gun.""Not even if Godzilla himself were to show up," said JC."


"Most of my relatives could start a fight in an empty room and then lie about who won."


"Every wall was covered with shelves, packed tightly with books on every subject under the sun, and a few best unmentioned in polite company."


"Would you really have...?” said Julien.“Almost certainly,” I said. “I have deep-seated problems with authority figures.”“But you are one!”“I know! I can only assume the universe has a really mean sense of humour."
