109 Quotes by Sinclair B. Ferguson

  • Author Sinclair B. Ferguson
  • Quote

    Our thinking about who we are as Christians should not begin with what we can discover about ourselves by self-analysis. Rather, it begins with what God says about those who trust in Christ.

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  • Author Sinclair B. Ferguson
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    No short-cut that tries to bypass the patient unfolding of the true character of God, and our relationship to him as his children, can ever succeed in providing long-term spiritual therapy.

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  • Author Sinclair B. Ferguson
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    The problem is not in the clarity of the revelation. The problem is in the darkness of the human mind.

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  • Author Sinclair B. Ferguson
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    When I am tempted and feel the power of sin and its tug on my affections, the gospel gives me something to say: ‘Christ bled and died for this sin – I will therefore have nothing to do with it. I am now united to Christ by the indwelling of the Spirit – how can I drag him into my sin?

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  • Author Sinclair B. Ferguson
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    We are far too good at analyzing what is wrong with the culture and far too myopic at analyzing what is wrong in the church.

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  • Author Sinclair B. Ferguson
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    God does something to us as well as for us through the cross. He persuades us that He loves us.

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  • Author Sinclair B. Ferguson
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    Worship is not something we “work up,” it is something that “comes down” to us, from the character of God.

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  • Author Sinclair B. Ferguson
  • Quote

    Such contentment is never the result of the momentary decision of the will. It cannot be produced merely by having a well-ordered and thought-through time- and life-management plan calculated to guard us against unexpected twists of divine providence. No, true contentment means embracing the Lord’s will in every aspect of His providence simply because it is His providence. It involves what we are in our very being, not just what we do and can accomplish.

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