188 Quotes by Slavoj Zizek
"The Christian motto 'All men are brothers', however, also means that those who do not accept brotherhood are not men."
"…the event of the shattering encounter of an idea in Plato; the emergence of a purely eventful cogito, a crack in the great chain of being, in Descartes; and the Absolute itself – the totality that encompasses everything that exists – as an eventual self-deployment, as the result of its own activity."
"What characterizes a really great thinker is that they misrecognize the basic dimension of their own breakthrough."
"Liberals always say about totalitarians that they like humanity, as such, but they have no empathy for concrete people, no? OK, that fits me perfectly. Humanity? Yes, it's OK – some great talks, some great arts. Concrete people? No, 99% are boring idiots."
"[Subjectivity] is irreducible: we cannot get rid of it; it continues to haunt every attempt to overcome it."
"Σε ένα σύμπαν όπου όλοι αναζητάμε το αληθινό πρόσωπο κάτω από το προσωπείο, ο καλύτερος τρόπος να παραπλανήσουμε είναι να φορέσουμε το προσωπείο της ίδιας της αλήθειας"
"Are, however, the terrorist fundamentalists, be they Christian or Muslim, really fundamentalists in the authentic sense of the term? Do they really believe? What they lack is a feature that is easy to discern in all authentic fundamentalists, from Tibetan Buddhists to the Amish in the US: the absence of resentment and envy, deep indifference towards the non-believer's way of life."