180 Quotes by Sophia Loren
"You have to be born a sex symbol. You don't become one. If you're born with it, you'll have it even when you're 100 years old."
"You must all, somewhere deep in your hearts, believe that you have a special beauty that is like no other and that is so valuable that you must not abandon it. Indeed, you must learn to cherish it."
"It's a mistake to think that once you're done with school you need never learn anything new."
"I'm a giraffe. I even walk like a giraffe with a long neck and legs. It's a pretty dumb animal, mind you."
"I still like me, inside and out. Not in a vain way - I just feel good in my skin."
"I believe that rewards in life are deserved. Every reward is the fruit of discipline, of dedication and of sacrifices. And of stubbornness."