180 Quotes by Sophia Loren

"The first woman was created from the rib of a man. She was not made from his head to top him, nor from his feet to be trampled on by him, but out of his side to be equal to him."


"The most indespensible ingredient of all good home cooking: love for those you are cooking for."


"Where youthful beauty is unconscious, mature beauty is knowing and sophisticated."


"Learn to use your brains as deftly as your powder box, and then maybe you have a powder box and do not need ..."


"I firmly believe we can make our own miracles if we believe strongly enough in ourselves and our mission on earth."


"I have my own peculiar yardstick for measuring a man: Does he have the courage to cry in a moment of grief? Does he have the compassion not to hunt an animal? In his relationship with a woman, is he gentle? Real manliness is nurtured in kindness and gentleness, which I associate with intelligence, comprehension, tolerance, justice, education, and high morality. If only men realized how easy it is to open a woman's heart with kindness, and how many women close their hearts to the assaults of the Don Juans."


"Nothing makes a woman more beautiful than the belief that she is beautiful."


"Success, I would find out, is interior. It has to do with self-fulfillment and the joy of living."


"It [winning Oscar] is the most important event in the career of an actor, an extraordinary moment, beautiful. Some people live their whole life just to win an Oscar."


"I exist only because inside of me and above all else I am only and above all a Neapolitan. Naples exists inside of me, and always will. Fortunately for me there is this treasure that I have inside of me and, when I need it, then I pull it out."
