7 Quotes by Soraya Naomi
- Author Soraya Naomi
Vivimos con las elecciones que hacemos. Y todas esas elecciones, a vecesaparentemente insignificantes, afectan a todos y a todo lo que nos rodea. Nos amamos ynos lastimamos. Sin embargo, siempre hay una persona a la que incluso la magnitud deldolor no disminuye la intensidad de su amor.
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- Author Soraya Naomi
Tal vez éramos solo dos personas destinadas a viajar juntas poco tiempo y luegocambiar el rumbo del camino. Solo que en lugar de reencauzar la ruta, dándole unempujón en la dirección correcta, nos enfrentamos e implosionamos. Tal vez, es hora dedejarla ir, pero ese pensamiento está cortando brutalmente mi pecho.
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- Author Soraya Naomi
Everything I do is for her, for Fallon.
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- Author Soraya Naomi
Love must not suffocate but breathe on its own.
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- Author Soraya Naomi
We live with the choices we make. And all those – sometimes seemingly insignificant – choices affect everyone and everything around us. We love and hurt each other. However, there’s always that one person where even the magnitude of the hurt doesn’t lessen the intensity of the love.
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- Author Soraya Naomi
Love. It heals people as much as it can break people. In all its intensity and power, it’s the one thing we all have in common. It can make you exquisitely happy or tremendously sad. However, without the sad, would we still feel the intensity of the happy?
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- Author Soraya Naomi
Nothing enlightens my life more than reading about fictional love in all its intensity, drama, and beauty. Sometimes the simple things in life can bring me unimaginable joy.
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