144 Quotes by Srinivas Mishra
"Reaching the pinnacle of success through hard work and struggle with your will and wisdom is worth the effort, even if it is high."
"Not all friendships last long. The real reason is our pride and arrogance.( In Hindi: sabhee dostee lambe samay tak nahin chalatee hai. asalee kaaran hamaara abhimaan aur ahankaar hai )In Odia:ସବୁ ବନ୍ଧୁତା ଦୀର୍ଘସ୍ଥାୟୀହୋଇପାରି ନ ଥାଏ।ଏହାର ଅସଲ କାରଣ ଆମର ଗର୍ବ ଓ ଅହଂକାରसभी दोस्ती लंबे समय तक नहीं चलती है। असली कारण हमारा अभिमान और अहंकार है.#Friendship #friendships"
"Everyone is a friend of the strong, the only friend of a poor is himself.Stepping on the shoulders of the weak, the strong succeed in their futile attempt to touch the sky."
"Human without humanity is like a life without senses."
"Friendship or Allianceis my greatest strength and has kept me alive to this day."
"India has the highest number of young people in the world.When they become employed, the country's financial health wil be improved dramatically."
"Father as a piece of matchstick burns more to make his family happy by sacrificing himself."
"Female or Male: Army officer's responsibilities, duties and leadership can only be expressed on the War ground.The government and the people of the country have a big role to play inthe growth of army's morale.Indian Army will use its full power to protect the sovereignty of our states."