144 Quotes by Srinivas Mishra
"मेरी नज़र में योग दर्शन,आत्मा का चिंतन है।योग की सरल प्रक्रिया का अभ्यास करके जीवन, तन और मन को शाक्त, संतुलित और सहज बनाकर,एक सामान्य व्यक्ति, एक बेहतर इंसान बन सकता है।Yoga करो Young बनोHappy Yoga Day २०२१"
"काम करके हम एक काम पूरा करते हैं,दिल से काम करके हम उससे बहुत अच्छे बना पाते हैं"
"The arrogant man is seen by no one but himself Pride ruins our relationship and love."
"When I stare far away from myself, I see:I can't find myself without society. Man lives in society, lives for society. Human is helpless without society."
"Reforms inAgriculture, the service sectors, vehicles and factories play a key role in tackling the economic downturn in India."
"After the many domestic abuse incidents, the country's civil society was awakened.Efforts have been going on for many years to change the law on domestic violence.However, due to a lack of sincerity, it has been stalled."