50 Quotes by Stacey Lee

"Somewhere between right and wrong lies a garden surrounded by thorns, and I have met you there."


"You’re growing like a rumor, aren’t you?"


"What good's a black face if it means I'm just someone else's property? Why give me these arms and legs just to carry someone else's load, not my own?"


"You ever think about the noose?''I been thinking about the noose since I was born."


"We all must abide by the rules, but some of us must follow more than others...Like Sweet Potato and her twisted leg, we have been born with a defect--the defect of not being white. Only, unlike Sweet Potato's case, there is no correcting it. There is only correcting the vision of those who view it as a defect, though not even a war and Reconstruction have been able to do that."


"I am reminded of the proverb about the man with a single teacup to fetch water for his plants. In order to keep some alive, he had to let others die or run himself ragged. I have chosen to water this particular plant despite all its thorns, and I must simply hope my relationship with Tom can survive my absence."


"Though grammatically perfect, a French accent stretches his English out of shape."


"The tricky thing about giving opinions is that sometimes they cost you more than you wanted to spend."


"Somehow, Old Gin and I have managed to fit ourselves into a society that, like a newspaper, rarely comes in colors other than black and white."


"When a law isn't just, I believe it's okay to disobey it. In fact, I believe we are morally obliged to disobey it."
