198 Quotes by Stanley Hauerwas
- Author Stanley Hauerwas
The church is not to be judged by how useful we are as a "supportive institution" and our clergy as members of a "helping profession". The church has its own reason for being, hid within its own mandate and not found in the world. We are not chartered by the Emperor.
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- Author Stanley Hauerwas
No task is more important than for the Church to take the Bible out of the hands of individual Christians in North America.
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- Author Stanley Hauerwas
Gentleness is given to those who have learned that God will not have his kingdom triumph through the violence of the world, for such a triumph came through the meekness of a cross.
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- Author Stanley Hauerwas
As long as it is assumed that war is always an available option, we will not be forced to imagine any alternative to war.
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- Author Stanley Hauerwas
When you are trying to change the questions, you have to realize that many people are quite resistant to such a change. They like the answers they have.
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- Author Stanley Hauerwas
God knows why God has made some of us ecclesiastically homeless, but I hope and pray that our being so may be in service to Christian unity.
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- Author Stanley Hauerwas
By the time I had got to college, I had begun to read and had decided that most of what Christians believed could not be credible. So I became a philosophy major at Southwestern University in Georgetown, Texas.
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- Author Stanley Hauerwas
I cannot imagine a more realistic faith than the Christian faith. At every turn, we are told we are death-determined creatures and that our lives, our all too brief lives, at the very least will be complex if not difficult.
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- Author Stanley Hauerwas
To be poor does not mean you lack the means to extend charity to another. You may lack money or food, but you have the gift of friendship to overwhelm the loneliness that grips the lives of so many.
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