95 Quotes by Stella Young
"The purpose of our justice system is to reflect the values of our society and to punish those who violate our standards."
"It became very clear to me that Yooralla was not as interested in media coverage that explored issues faced by people with disability as it was in giving a pat on the back to journalists who maintained the status quo by giving readers the warm and fuzzies over their morning paper."
"It is nothing short of baffling to me how a city like Melbourne, where I struggle to find accessible facilities on a very regular basis, could be considered the most livable city in the world. I suppose it all depends on what makes a city 'livable' for you."
"I went to school, I got good marks, I had a very low key after-school job, and I spent a lot of time watching 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer' and 'Dawson's Creek.'"
"It is a truth universally acknowledged that from puberty onwards, the female body is disgusting and unruly and must be tamed, trimmed and tinted to within an inch of its life before it can be allowed to roam freely in the public eye."
"Paralympic sport and other disability sport can and should be celebrated in its own right."
"Physical access is one of the very first issues disability rights activists of the 1960s and '70s fought for."
"My parents didn't know what to do with me, so they just pretended I was normal, and that worked out quite well for me."
"Let me make this clear: my impairment is such that without a wheelchair, I can't do very much for myself. I can't get out of bed. I can't get myself to the toilet. I certainly can't get myself to work."