19 Quotes by Stephanie Kuehn

"Somewhere. somehow, in the near future, Miles knew, some of them would be winners, some losers, and others, like himself, would be asked to fall on their swords."


"Hurting people wasn’t all that different, though. That was also a form of taking and she did it all the time. Sometimes she wished she didn’t. Sometimes the things she took were unforgivable and she’d give anything to have better control over herself. Then again, sometimes Sadie was bored. And oftentimes, that was more than enough."


"This school devours privacy, and rumors are like drops of blood in an ocean full of predators."


"You’re like my sun in winter."


"Choosing to live can mean so much more than not dying."


"Real crazy is about taking something good and spoiling it."


"They had it all wrong, of course. Bravery wasn’t required to conquer fear. Indifference was."


"Was it possible to fall so far from greatness? Was this, then, his destiny?"


"There’s this mood I can get into sometimes. It’s hard to explain. I don’t know how to describe it other than to say I feel sort of dead – faded, really, or reduced, like there’s less of me or I’m not as much of myself. It’s as if I’ve forgotten who I am or who I’m meant to be or if I’m really even anything or anyone at all."
