163 Quotes by Steven Aitchison
"Sometimes it's better to go against the crowd and feel alone,than to agree and have a false sense of belonging"
"If you are ever asked why you are single, tell them:It's because you haven't found someone amazing enough to change your status"
"In the most beautiful relationships, silence is never awkward, for it’sin the silence that we come closer together."
"The most courageous thing you will do in your life is trusting someone enough to let them love you"
"You shouldn't live your life according to someone else's expectations"
"Everybody you have ever met in your life was brought to you for a reason."
"If you're feeling a little down, remember some of the best days in your life haven't happened yet."
"Society tells us when we are old and no longer useful - screw that!It’s your mind and attitude that will tell you when you are old."
"Fear is your brains way of protecting you, overcoming fear is the souls way of loving you"
"Don't complain about ANYTHING, unless you're prepared to do something about it"