163 Quotes by Steven Aitchison
"Love is the currency of your heart, spend it on people who enrich your life instead of people who constantly hurt you"
"If I could give you one special ability in life it would be the gift of seeing yourself through the eyes of someone who loves you - Then you would realise just how amazing you truly are."
"Your outer beauty will capture the eyes, your inner beauty will capture the heart."
"It's not the successes in life that teach us a lesson, it's the mistakes we made to get there that truly teach us."
"Friendship and love don't come to those who are desperate for it, it comes to those who respect themselves enough not to need it."
"Your permission is needed for you to feel inferior to anyone,don't ever give your permission"
"The love we deserve is not necessarily the love we accept..."
"If you think you have the answers to everything, you've not been asked the right questions"
"All the knowledge we have today was once considered a theory. Don’t stop looking for the answers to life, you might just be the one who changes the world"
"Sometimes we are so afraid of change that we miss amazing opportunities that the universe has sent us…."