722 Quotes by Steven Erikson
- Author Steven Erikson
If all we seek is an escape, what does that say about the world we live in. We are desperate with our dreams. What - oh, what - does that say?
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- Author Steven Erikson
With ever greater frequency they annihilate themselves, for success breeds contempt for those very qualities that purchased it.
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- Author Steven Erikson
We humans do not understand compassion. In each moment of our lives, we betray it. Aye, we know of its worth, yet in knowing we then attach to it a value, we guard the giving of it, believing it must be earned, T’lan Imass. Compassion is priceless in the truest sense of the wold. It must be given freely. In abundance.
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- Author Steven Erikson
Stones make no splash on a frozen lake.
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- Author Steven Erikson
People of civilized countenance made much of exposing the soft underbellies of their psyche - effete and sensitive were the brands of finer breeding. It was easy for them, safe, and that was the whole point, after all: a statement of coddled opulence that burned the throats of the poor more than any ostentatious show of wealth.
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- Author Steven Erikson
The heart of wisdom is tolerance.
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- Author Steven Erikson
Life stays stubborn until it has no choice but to give up, and even then it's likely to spit one last time in the eye of whatever's killed it. We're cruel in victory and cruel in defeat, my friends.
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- Author Steven Erikson
It is only the dumb beast that understands futile gestures – the cold necessity for them, in the face of all the hard truths. We who hold to the higher aspirations of the intellect, we surrender too quickly. And yet, in looking upon that dog – a creature knowing only loyalty and courage – we find flavours to wound our own souls.
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- Author Steven Erikson
And where did this insane notion of buying loyalty come from? It’s a contradiction in terms.
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