159 Quotes by Steven Johnson

  • Author Steven Johnson
  • Quote

    This may be one of the most astonishing, and tragic, hummingbird effects in all of twentieth-century technology: someone builds a machine to listen to sound waves bouncing off icebergs, and a few generations later, millions of female fetuses are aborted thanks to that very same technology.

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  • Author Steven Johnson
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    An innovation, or cluster of innovations, in one field ends up triggering changes that seem to belong to a different domain altogether.

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  • Author Steven Johnson
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    Semmelweis was derided and dismissed not just for daring to propose that doctors wash their hands; he was derided and dismissed for proposing that doctors wash their hands if they wanted to deliver babies and dissect corpses in the same afternoon. This.

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  • Author Steven Johnson
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    A good idea is a network. A specific constellation of neurons – thousands of them – fire in sync with each other for the first time in your brain, and an idea pops into your consciousness.

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  • Author Steven Johnson
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    This is not mere sentimentality. The triumph of twentieth-century metropolitan life is, in a real sense, the triumph of one image over the other: the dark ritual of deadly epidemics replaced by the convivial exchanges of strangers from different backgrounds sharing ideas on the sidewalk.

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  • Author Steven Johnson
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    There was no lightbulb moment in the story of the lightbulb. By the time Edison flipped the switch at the Pearl Street station, a handful of other firms were already selling their own models of incandescent electric lamps.

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  • Author Steven Johnson
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    In a peer network, no one is officially in charge. It doesn’t have a command hierarchy. It doesn’t have a boss. So, all the decisions are somehow made collectively. The control of the system is in the hands of everyone who is a part of it.

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  • Author Steven Johnson
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    The wealthiest cities of the world will follow Venice’s lead and simply try to engineer their way around the problem. The poorest cities will follow New Orleans’ lead – at least so far – and just move to other nearby cities. Either way the poplation stays urban.

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  • Author Steven Johnson
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    That mix of order and anarchy is what we now call emergent behavior.

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