542 Quotes by Steven Pressfield

"Writers think in metaphors. Editors work in metaphors. A great reader reads in metaphors.All are continually asking, "What does this represent? What does it stand for?"They are trying to take everything one level deeper. When they get to that level, they will try to go deeper again."


"He's a sturdy fellow, bald as a hen's egg, and like all engineers, practical as a pensioner."


"Fame Imperishable and glory that will never die -- that is what we march for!"


"Men feared even the shade of Alexander, lest they encounter him again beneath the earth, for surely in that world, too, none would surpass him."


"The Muse honors the working stiff."


"Those who do not understand war believe it contention between armies, friend against foe. No. Rather friend and foe duel as one against an unseen antagonist, whose name is Fear, and seek, even entwined in death, to mount to that promontory whose ensign is honor."


"He who whets his steel, whets his courage."


"Why does Zeus send prodigies to earth? For the same reason he makes a comet streak across the sky. To show not what has been done, but what can be."


"To yield to Resistance deforms our spirit. It stunts us and makes us less than we are and were born to be."


"The artist and the mother are vehicles, not originators. They don't create the new life, they only bear it. This is why birth is such a humbling experience. The new mom weeps in awe at the little miracle in her arms. She knows it came out of her but not from her, through her but not of her."
