177 Quotes by Studs Terkel

  • Author Studs Terkel
  • Quote

    When I put the plate down, you don’t hear a sound. When I pick up a glass, I want it to be just right. When someone says, “How come you’re just a waitress?” I say, “Don’t you think you deserve being served by me?”

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  • Author Studs Terkel
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    I have a big mouth, and I never met a petition I didn’t like, so of course in the McCarthy days I got in trouble.

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  • Author Studs Terkel
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    The overt hustling society is the microcosm of the rest of the society. The power relationships are the same and the games are the same. Only this one I was in control of. The greater one I wasn’t. In the outside society, if I tried to be me, I wasn’t in control of anything. As a bright, assertive woman, I had no power. As a cold, manipulative hustler, I had a lot. I knew I was playing a role. Most women are taught to become what they act. All I did was act out the reality of American womanhood.

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  • Author Studs Terkel
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    I’m called an oral historian, which is something of a joke. Oral history was here long before the pen, long before Gutenberg and the printing press. The difference is I have a tape recorder in my hand.

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  • Author Studs Terkel
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    I thought, if ever there were a time to write a book about hope, it’s now.

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  • Author Studs Terkel
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    People are hungry for stories. It’s part of our very being. Storytelling is a form of history, of immortality too. It goes from one generation to another. -Studs Terkel.

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  • Author Studs Terkel
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    I don’t see where people get all this bull about the kid who’s gonna be President and being a newsboy made a President out of him. It taught him how to handle his money and this bull. You know what it did? It taught him how to hate the people on his route. And the printers. And dogs.

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  • Author Studs Terkel
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    You try to fill up your time with trying to think about other things: what you’re going to do on the weekend or about your family. You have to use your imagination. If you don’t have a very good one and you bore easily, you’re in trouble. Just to fill in time, I write real bad poetry or letters to myself and to other people and never mail them. The letters are fantasies, sort of rambling, how I feel, how depressed I am.

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