150 Quotes by Sudha Murty

  • Author Sudha Murty
  • Quote

    Doing what you like is freedom, liking what you do is happiness.

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  • Author Sudha Murty
  • Quote

    With my experience in life, I want to tell you that having good relationships, compassion and peace of mind is much more important than achievements, awards, degrees or money.

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  • Author Sudha Murty
  • Quote

    Experience has taught me that honesty is not the mark of any particular class nor is it related to education or wealth. It cannot be taught at any university. In most people, it springs naturally from the heart.

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  • Author Sudha Murty
  • Quote

    She says the secret to her positivity lies in the simplest of things: gratitude for each and every simple pleasure of life.

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  • Author Sudha Murty
  • Quote

    There is a difference between loneliness and solitude. Loneliness is boring, whereas in solitude you can inspect and examine your deeds and your thoughts.

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  • Author Sudha Murty
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    In this life everything perishes over a period of time. Whether it be diamond, beauty, gold or even land. Only one thing withstands this destruction. It is knowledge. The more you give the more you get.

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  • Author Sudha Murty
  • Quote

    I realized then that only diseases and not honesty and integrity are passed down to the next generation through genes.

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  • Author Sudha Murty
  • Quote

    A true leader leads with affection and not power.

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  • Author Sudha Murty
  • Quote

    In an effort to teach myself self-restraint and self-control, I decided that until I completed my engineering degree, I would wear only white saris, refrain from sweets, sleep on a mat and take baths with cold water. I aimed to become self-sufficient; I would be my best friend and my worst enemy. I didn’t know then that such a quote already existed in the Bhagavad Gita where Krishna says, ‘Atma aiva hi atmano bandhu aatma aiva ripu atmanah’.

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