149 Quotes by Suman Pokhrel

"It was crucial to understand whether that moment was immensely hurtful or was awfully affectionate for me."


"There exists a chance of every poem getting changed while reaching every reader. This ‘getting changed’ is a form of ‘getting translated’, in a way. So, every assimilation of any poem is a translation."


"It's not as easy as it is with chewing shame and foolishness to chew the wreckage of broken time."


"I had read on the face of surroundings; some broken, some disconnected, some cracked expectations."


"Should I ask everyone the question that should not have been asked? Or should I turning up to the sky be answering the question that’s not been asked?"


"Neither my acts have wiped the woes of any sufferer out, nor have I cured pains of wounded ones; with the faith pompous mercenary, O' Glorious! O 'Lord Almighty! how can I bow my head in your adulation?"


"May my pain remain drunk singing its own love songs."


"Why say then Buddha never carried gun? he didn't play piano, we do not know of him making pictures either."


"Sometimes, silence works more intensely than a bayonet to slay a tender heart."
