172 Quotes by Susan Mallery

"I'm a librarian in town,' she began. 'You sure about that?'The words popped out before he could stop them. Annabelle raised her eyebrows. 'Fairly. It's my job and so far no one has told me to go away when I show up for work.' smooth, Stryker, he thought, very smooth. 'I was expecting someone wearing glasses. You know. Because librarians read a lot.' The raised eyebrows turned into a frown. 'You need to get out of the barn more."


"Moving backward meant more suffering, and staying stuck was just as bad. That left moving forward. There had to be an answer somewhere. All she had to do was find it."


"... A little word can have a big impact. The difference between all and some. - Liz Sutton"


"That‟s because we don‟t have any weaknesses. We‟re perfect.”She rolled her eyes. “Give me a break. If you‟re so perfect, how come your gender hasn‟t figured out a way to have children on yourown. Then you could free yourself from the weaker sex."


"I’m very comfortable being right,” she admitted. “We all are. But sometimes it’s a lonely place."


"Es mejor dejarse tentar por un croissant que por un hombre."


"I'm starting to remember that it's okay when things don't turn out right the first time. I can always try again and get it right."


"If you're not happy, it's all on you. If you want to find your way, be your own compass."


"Doing what’s right isn’t supposed to hurt someone you care about."


"The biggest problems we have in this world are because of what we assume about each other. People make decisions based on appearance or gender or race, without getting to know anyone in that group. Or they have a very limited sample. Then they say things and other people hear them and start to believe them. Pretty soon we have a cultural bias that affects all kinds of decisions."
