172 Quotes by Susan Mallery

"Destiny turned and saw a gray-haired lady in a track suit walking toward them."


"Love is always enough."


"It was heaven. Pure and simple paradise. Even as he kissed his way along her neck, his palms circled, his fingers kneaded, and she sent up the white flag of surrender."


"I like that you’re emotionally broken,” she said cheerfully. “It keeps the playing field level.” “I’m not broken. I’m quirky.” “Is that what we’re calling it?” she asked."


"Because the reward is worth the risk."


"The sliding doors opened, and a man entered the baggage area. A tall, dark-haired man with incredibly broad shoulders, a cowboy hat and a gaze so penetrating Phoebe knew he could probably tell what color her panties were."


"Sometimes you have to accept how things are. You can make it easy on yourself, or you can make it hard. The choice is yours."


"But, as her mother had often told her, life wasn’t meant to be easy. It was meant to be lived."


"There’s magic in loving someone. It’s like a part of the universe changes every time we open our heart."


"He supposed that was the problem. That he’d gotten over loving Katie, but he’d never recovered from losing their friendship."
