172 Quotes by Susan Mallery

"Charity Jones loved a good disaster movie as much as the next person – she would simply prefer the disaster in question not be about her life."


"I don’t know why she picked me, but she did and I’m not letting go."


"She pulled a laptop out of her backpack and booted it."


"Because sometimes when things are going really well, we find the one thing we’re pretending we’re not looking for."


"How do any of us get out of this life alive?"


"On her worst days, she feared she was actually less. And that truth had defined the rest of her life."


"She looked around and saw thousands of books in rows of shelves. There were posters on the wall and signs pointing to various sections. It was, well, a library. But when she turned to Jasper, she realized he saw something completely different. His gaze was slightly unfocused as if instead of books, he saw journeys and possibilities."


"News flash, horses poop about fifty pounds of manure a day. That’s per horse. Of course cows poop about three times that, so we have it easy by comparison."


"I promised myself no regrets,” she whispered into the darkness. “No what-ifs, no second guessing. I promised myself that I was going to live my life, instead of always taking the safe route."


"Marry me, Gracie. Marry me and let me take care of you. Let me love you and prove it each and every day."
