172 Quotes by Susan Mallery

"It’s not getting it right the first time – it’s learning to do it right and then not getting lazy."


"What? Are you on crack? I did no such thing."


"Even a blind squirrel finds an acorn sometimes."


"How do you know that?” “I read a brochure. Someone dropped off a whole folder filled with brochures on the various town festivals. Some of them look fun."


"He was curious about how much of her indignation was real and how much was self-protection."


"It’s about risking everything. Putting your heart on the line, even when you don’t know what’s going to happen. It’s risking having the person you love rip it out and stomp all over it in public."


"Be comfortable saying no, Pamela. At the same time, be comfortable saying yes. Every now and then life gives us an unexpected opportunity. How sad to walk away without sampling what is offered."


"Better to keep trying until you find something that makes you happy rather than choose something now and hate your job for the next twenty years."


"Bailey Voss smiled at her daughter. Being."


"Darlin’, if we only married who we deserved, then the world would be filled with single women,” an older woman said."
