330 Quotes by Susan Orlean

  • Author Susan Orlean
  • Quote

    I had never considered using a hashtag anywhere other than on Twitter, but now I’m inspired. Text messages have always seemed a little flat to me, so the murmuring Greek chorus of a hashtag might be a perfect way to liven them up and give them a bit of dimension.

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  • Author Susan Orlean
  • Quote

    Keeping animals, I have learned, is all about water. Who even knew chickens drank water? I didn’t, but they do, and a lot.

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  • Author Susan Orlean
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    I have long been one of those tedious people who rails against the coronation of ‘student-athletes.’ I have heard the argument that big-time athletics bring in loads of money to universities. I don’t believe the money goes anywhere other than back into the sports teams, but that’s another story.

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  • Author Susan Orlean
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    Once words and thoughts are poured into them, books are no longer just paper and ink and glue: They take on a kind of human vitality.

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  • Author Susan Orlean
  • Quote

    The first thing I think about when I wake up most mornings is the fact that I'm tired. I have been tired for decades. I am tired in the morning and I am tired while becalmed in the slough of the afternoon, and I am tired in the evening, except right when I try to go to sleep.

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