41 Quotes by Suzanne Enoch

  • Author Suzanne Enoch
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    You okay?” Rick asked, as he helped her into the back seat of Ripton’s Mercedes and then went around the other side to join her. “I’m okay. I got shot again.” “It was a graze. Again.”“You’re just jealous because you’ve only been roughed up a couple of times.” She patted his thigh. “Someone will shoot you eventually. I’m sure of it.”“Mm-hm. Probably you.” “Probably.

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  • Author Suzanne Enoch
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    You might at least acknowledge that I put my self in harm's way on your behalf, Evie' the deeper voice of Viscount Dare came from her other side.Georgina stiffened. ' No you didn't. Go away now.''No, I didn't,' he repeated amiably, and nodded. ' Goodbye.''Wait!' Evelyn caught his arm. ' What do you mean, on my behalf?''I...ah...' He glanced over her head at his wife. 'I don't mean anything. I have a mental disability.

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  • Author Suzanne Enoch
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    Phillipa blew out her breath. Running a finger along the soft flower petals, she unfolded the note. For Phillipa, she read to herself, I hope adding yellow daisies isn’t too forward. I asked Lady Fennington for their meaning, and she said white means “purity,” while yellow means “slighted.” I’m taking them to mean “frustrated.” Because I am frustrated that you are still pure. Bennett.She snorted.

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  • Author Suzanne Enoch
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    Felicity grabbed onto a broken roof beam for support. It was strange, standing in the middle of where the drawing room used to be, and seeing her broken bedchamber furniture occupying the same space. She wanted to cry every time she looked at the rubble, but weeping wouldn't help her dig out her jewelry box or the books piled in the wreck of the library.

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  • Author Suzanne Enoch
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    I don't know whether Bancroft has mentioned it or not, but I have made him what I consider to be a rather generous offer for Forton Hall.''Bravo!' Stephen applauded ... 'Our traveler may begin traveling.' ...'A toast then,' [Quin] said ... 'to interesting possibilities.''To interesting possibilities,' Felicity repeated in unison with the others

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  • Author Suzanne Enoch
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    Tiny white flowers sprinkled the upper part of the gown like glimpses of stars at dusk, while the gathered waist and skirt darkened into solid twilight.

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  • Author Suzanne Enoch
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    You're a damn dog," Adam finally snapped."If you're good enough to fuck someone, be a man enough to take responsibility for the result

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