"Girls need to protect each other, especially when adults do nothing but watch."
"No, I don’t have a boyfriend. I stabbed the last one."
"Deacon was good, too-almost as good as me. His charisma draws people in, even if it’s only a facade."
"Kid, you’re going to get everything you want out of life. Once you get past the parts that suck."
"I’m feeling so much and thinking so little."
"It isn’t fair, the way some of us have gotten so screwed by life."
"Forgiveness is voluntary. There should be no “have to” about it."
"I realize that’s the way, the way of selfish people. They want to control everyone else, but when it’s them, they want their own rules."
"Sometimes the beautiful memories are the saddest ones of all” -Elias."
"All of us sit at the table, like a family – a dysfunctional one, but a family nonetheless."