306 Quotes by T. Harv Eker

  • Author T. Harv Eker
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    Successful people have fear, successful people have doubts, and successful people have worries. They just don’t let these feelings stop them.

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  • Author T. Harv Eker
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    Rich people see every dollar as a “seed” that can be planted to earn a hundred more dollars, which can then be replanted to earn a thousand more dollars.

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  • Author T. Harv Eker
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    Whenever you feel uncomfortable, instead of retreating back into your old comfort zone, pat yourself on the back and say, “I must be growing,” and continue moving forward.

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  • Author T. Harv Eker
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    The by-product is that they more people you help, the “richer” you become, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and definitely financially.

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  • Author T. Harv Eker
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    Practice being in the present. Do what you’re doing 100%.

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  • Author T. Harv Eker
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    If you want to make a permanent change, stop focusing on the size of your problems and start focusing on the size of you.

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  • Author T. Harv Eker
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    Universe, if anyone has something great coming to them and they’re not willing to take it, send it to me! I am open and willing to receive all of your blessings. Thank you.

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  • Author T. Harv Eker
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    What’s the problem you solve? Solve it for one person. Create a system to do it without you. Duplicate.

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  • Author T. Harv Eker
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    If you know it, but you’re not living it, you don’t own it.

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