190 Quotes by T.H. White

  • Author T.H. White
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    You know that eye-to-eye recognition, when two people look deeply into each other's pupils, and burrow to the soul? It usually comes before love. I mean the clear, deep, milk-eyed recognition expressed by the poet Donne. Their eyebeams twisted and did thread their eyes upon a double string. My father recognized that the Professor was a Troll, and the Professor recognized my father's recognition. Both of them knew that the Professor had eaten his wife. - The Troll

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  • Author T.H. White
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    A lot of brainless unicorns swaggering about and calling themselves educated just because they can push each other off a horse with a bit of a stick! It makes me tired.

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  • Author T.H. White
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    Resulta difícil hablar de moral; lo que ha sucedido es que hemos inventado unos principios morales que ahora se hallan corrompidos, toda vez que no pueden ser puestos en práctica. Y cuando la moral se corrompe, entonces es peor que carecer de ella.

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  • Author T.H. White
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    The fate of this man or that man was less than a drop, although it was a sparkling one, in the great blue motion of the sunlit sea.

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  • Author T.H. White
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    The best thing for being sad," replied Merlyn, "is to learn something. That is the only thing that never fails.

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  • Author T.H. White
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    Unfortunately we have tried to establish Right by Might, and you just can't do that

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  • Author T.H. White
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    No… - dijo sir Lanzarote–, pues una vez caído en la vergüenza quizá no vuelva a recobrarse.

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  • Author T.H. White
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    What a bursting heart of gratitude and triumph as the ravening monster slowly paced down the arm with gripping steps and pounced upon his breakfast! The rest of the day was a glow of pleasure, a kind of still life in which the sun shone on the flowers with more than natural brilliance, giving them the high lights of porcelain.

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