54 Quotes by Tanya Masse

"If you could kick the person’s ass that is ultimately most responsible for your unhappiness, you wouldn’t sit for a goddamn week."


"Of all the "diets" that have tried to achieve fat loss over the years, the "drinking one glass of wine is equivalent to working out for 1 hour in the gym" was my definitely my all time favorite."


"Sometimes my age is inappropriate for my behavior."


"Even if you get the opportunity to treat them the way they treated you, no matter how difficult it was, no matter how angry you feel, no matter how hard it is to do... I hope you find the strength to choose to do better and let the universe take care of the situation. ❤️"


"Be inspired by what other people are doing and achieving, but STOP comparing yourself to them. You are not them. Your self-improvement is about setting your own goals, pushing your own limits, breaking your own personal records, being better than you were yesterday, and living YOUR best life. You are not in competition with other people. Work each day to be a better YOU, not better than anyone else."


"Try to be happy for no reason. If you are only ever happy for a reason, you’re basically screwed, because those reasons can always be taken from you."


"Sometimes success is simply being able to drink an entire cup of coffee while it's still hot."


"The problem is NOT the PROBLEM...The problem is I haven’t had enough COFFEE to deal with the PROBLEM."


"It just occurred to me that if I committed to everything else in my life the same way I commit to drinking coffee every day, I’d be successful AF."


"The key to succeeding in ANYTHING in life is going from challenge to challenge, setback to setback, bad day to bad day, hardship to hardship, criticism to criticism, failure to failure without punishing yourself or others, or losing your enthusiasm to keep going."
