516 Quotes by Tarryn Fisher
"You and I are happening. No one is keeping us apart again. Not Noah or Cammie, and least of all, fucking Leah. You are mine. Do you understand me?"
"She will be your destruction. She's not healthy."I gently removed her hand from my arm. "Then let her destroy me."
"A word of advice,” he says, as I stop in his office to say goodbye. “When you’re in love with a woman, you shouldn’t get involved with other women.”“Noted,” I say. “Though, I would like to offer that she is probably sleeping with another man as we speak."
"Contrast is important in life. We understand what light is because we can compare it with what we know is dark. Sweet is made sweeter after we eat something bitter. It’s the very same with sadness. And it’s important to experience sadness, to embrace it in order to truly know happiness. I was just a flat line until he came along. And maybe now I’m hurting. But isn’t that what love is supposed to do? Make you feel, make you brave, make you look at yourself more carefully?"
"He looks at me then, and suddenly I know that people are what you truly need to be afraid of. People with eyes that communicate. People who can hurt you so hard you'd wish you were never born."
"He's different. I suppose that happens after people are apart for a length of time. They become more themselves while you cling to who they used to be."