287 Quotes by Taylor Jenkins Reid

  • Author Taylor Jenkins Reid
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    What is it they say? The days are long but the years are short? Whoever said that was a mom with three kids under the age of three. Tired and cranky on an hourly basis, bursting with joy when you put your head on the pillow. Raising kids is hard work. It was something I was happy to do, though.

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  • Author Taylor Jenkins Reid
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    Or maybe Robert merely stumbled into something that worked for him, unsure what he wanted until he had it. Some people are lucky like that. Me, I've always gone after what I wanted with everything in me. Others fall into happiness. Sometimes I wish I was like them. I'm sure sometimes they wish they were like me.

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  • Author Taylor Jenkins Reid
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    He'd convinced himself that his wanting me was my fault.And I believed him.'Look what I do to these poor boys,' I thought. And yet also, 'Here is my value, my power.'So when he dumped me – because he was bored with me, because he'd found someone else more exciting – I felt both a deep relief and a very real sense of failure.

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  • Author Taylor Jenkins Reid
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    When you dig just the tiniest bit beneath the surface, everyone's love life is original and interesting and nuanced and defies any easy definition.

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  • Author Taylor Jenkins Reid
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    Some marriages aren't really that great. Some loves aren't all-encompassing. Sometimes you separate because you weren't that good together to begin with. Sometimes divorce isn't an earth-shattering loss. Sometimes it's just two people waking up out of a fog.

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