142 Quotes by Taylor Lautner

  • Author Taylor Lautner
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    Honestly, I try and stay away from what's been written about me, because if you let that stuff get to you and it's not true it can drive you crazy. One thing that I have heard recently which is not true, I didn't say it, is that I believe I was quote saying 'I will never take my shirt off for a movie again.' I didn't say that.

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  • Author Taylor Lautner
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    I guess winning an Oscar is the ultimate dream. A lot of amazing actors go their whole career without even being nominated. So that would definitely be a goal to reach. It's a difficult one, but I'm aiming for it!

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  • Author Taylor Lautner
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    I've always kind of had an interest in the drums but nothing else. The drums are the only thing I feel I would be good at, because I'm a very physical person. I've always played sports and stuff. Drums would give me something to do.

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  • Author Taylor Lautner
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    If I were trying to impress a girl, I wouldn't get all super dressed because I would look like I was trying too hard. Instead, I would probably wear what I normally would.

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  • Author Taylor Lautner
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    One second I'll be listening to country, and then the next I'll be listening to rock and then R&B. It's ridiculous. I'm all over the place with my music.

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  • Author Taylor Lautner
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    There's some things you just have to live with. Like twelve cars camping outside your house, and when you wake up in the morning, they're going to follow you wherever you go. It helps that I live in Valencia. It eliminates some. But they're still here.

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  • Author Taylor Lautner
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    When we're not filming or promoting then, you know, I live two different lives. So when I'm just in Taylor's life, and I'm just, you know, at home spending time with friends, it's great, it's a totally different life than this 'Twilight' world for sure. But it's amazing; our fans are the most passionate fans in the world!

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  • Author Taylor Lautner
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    Yeah, Jacob transforms a lot in 'New Moon.' Not only physically, but mentally and emotionally as well. So it was a matter of getting to the gym and eating the right foods and a lot of it. But also, reading and studying the book and my character over and over and over again so I could have his character down as well.

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  • Author Taylor Lautner
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    I get nervous before everything - dates, filming, award shows. I just don't want to say something stupid. But as soon as I step out on that stage, or as soon as I show up to a date, it all goes away, and I just have a great time with whoever I'm with.

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