672 Quotes by Ted Cruz
- Author Ted Cruz
What the USA Freedom Act did is it did two things. Number one, it ended the federal government's bulk collection of phone metadata of millions of law-abiding citizens.
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- Author Ted Cruz
I think the debate was really some powerful moments of clarity. We saw that Donald Trump, substantively, has the same issues on issue after issue as Hillary Clinton. He agreed with Hillary Clinton on Libya, toppling the government in Libya. That led directly to Benghazi, led to handing that country over to radical Islamic terrorism.
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- Author Ted Cruz
I get that the media wants us to play theater critics and critique every other proposal. What I`m focusing on are my own policy proposals.
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- Author Ted Cruz
There is no room for Christians in today's Democratic Party.
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- Author Ted Cruz
Washington has, with some justification, gained a reputation for being hopelessly mired in partisan gridlock.
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- Author Ted Cruz
When you had a terrorist, you could only search a relatively narrow slice of numbers, primarily land lines.
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- Author Ted Cruz
I want you to take a good, hard look at me, America, because this is exactly what you’ve got coming.
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- Author Ted Cruz
Donald Trump has opened [ politically correct enforcement] up wide. He`s made a very bold statement and he`s backed it back just a little bit when he said it is temporary.
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