672 Quotes by Ted Cruz
- Author Ted Cruz
This man [Barack Obama] does not have the interests of our country. That's not his agenda. His agenda is to bring us down to a third-world country.
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- Author Ted Cruz
There are more words in the IRS code than there are in the Bible. And not a one of them is as good.
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- Author Ted Cruz
I like John McCain. He can always be counted on for a good quote.
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- Author Ted Cruz
I think Super Tuesday is the most important day of this entire primary election. It is the most delegates awarded in a single night will be awarded on Super Tuesday.
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- Author Ted Cruz
If we're going to win in 2016, we need a consistent conservative: someone who has been a fiscal conservative, a social conservative, a national security conservative.
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- Author Ted Cruz
If you look at that 2008 Democratic primary, there was no more formidable, unstoppable candidate - other than an incumbent President - in modern times than Hillary Clinton.
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- Author Ted Cruz
The very first day that President [Barack] Obama was inaugurated, his first act as a president was to rescind that ban on third-trimester abortions. And he's even carried it further. Now, even if the baby is born alive, they have the right to kill that baby. It is an abomination.
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- Author Ted Cruz
Washington D.C. politics is like Hollywood for ugly people.
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- Author Ted Cruz
It has been suggested that those of us who are fighting to defend liberty - fighting to turn around the out-of-control spending and out-of-control debt in this country, fighting to defend the Constitution, it has been suggested that we are wacko birds.
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