672 Quotes by Ted Cruz
- Author Ted Cruz
Here's why most campaigns get data wrong. They treat it as an afterthought and they treat it as sort of a logistic.
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- Author Ted Cruz
One of the most troubling aspects of the Rubio-Schumer Gang of Eight Bill was that it gave President [Barack] Obama blanket authority to admit refugees, including Syrian refugees without mandating any background checks whatsoever. Now we've seen what happened in San Bernardino. When you are letting people in, when the FBI can't vet them, it puts American citizens at risk.
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- Author Ted Cruz
Washington wants ObamaCare, the people want freedom. Washington wants amnesty, the people want rule of law. Washington wants power over the internet, the people want freedom online.
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- Author Ted Cruz
I do not believe we should shut down the federal government.
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- Author Ted Cruz
There is a better vision for our future: A return to freedom.
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- Author Ted Cruz
It's critical to have a sound foundation in free-market economics and the Constitution. A great many Republicans in Washington don't have that foundation.
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- Author Ted Cruz
The front line with ISIS isn't just in Iraq and Syria, it's in Kennedy Airport and the Rio Grande. Border security is national security.
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- Author Ted Cruz
In Texas, we cook bacon a little differently than most folks...MACHINE-GUN BACON.
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- Author Ted Cruz
I do not believe any president can bind a successor president to give up his fundamental role as protector of the country.
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