50 Quotes by Terrance Hayes
"I remember my sister’s last hoorah.She joined all the black people I’m tired of losing,All the dead from parts of Florida, Ferguson,Brooklyn, Charleston, Cleveland, Chicago,Baltimore, wherever the names alive areLike the names in graves. I am someoneWith a good memory & better imagination."
"The man was high yellowIn public, afraid of himself, pretending his musicWas material when in fact, it was the opposite:Like a breath that comes so quickly you knowYou’re breathing ether: either atmosphericAnd anonymous as the air against a window,Or indefinite & mute as a curtain of wind."
"My hunch is that Sylvia Plath was not Especially fun company. A drama queen, thin-skinned, And skittery, she thought her poems were ordinary."
"Are you not the color of this country's current threat Advisory?"
"If you and every person in the county mailedme an envelope of five to ten dollars, I thinkI could rehabilitate the sheep."
"I am not going to describe her face because I want you to think of her as a bride."