203 Quotes by Tess Gerritsen

  • Author Tess Gerritsen
  • Quote

    Based on the timing, the circumstances. In July 1970, William Maitland vanished from the face of the earth. In August of the same year, we heard the first reports of a foreign pilot flying for the enemy. Running weapons and gold.

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  • Author Tess Gerritsen
  • Quote

    But she couldn’t shake off her annoyance at her dad, at her brothers, at Father Donnelly, at every man who presumed to tell a woman what her duty was.

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  • Author Tess Gerritsen
  • Quote

    That’s what makes life an adventure. Sometimes you just have to jump in and trust in the universe.

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  • Author Tess Gerritsen
  • Quote

    Confirmation bias had tripped many a scientist, and no doubt many a cop as well. You find only what you’re looking for, which makes it far too easy to overlook everything else.

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  • Author Tess Gerritsen
  • Quote

    The human mind was expert at filling in missing details and confidently turning them into facts, even if those facts were merely imagined.

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  • Author Tess Gerritsen
  • Quote

    So there was truth to what Julian had just said, about being strange. He was not normal, and he never would be. Cast out by his own family, thrust alone into the wilderness, he’d learned to rely on himself. He had killed a man. Although that killing was in self-defense, the spilling of another’s blood changes you forever, and she wondered how deeply that memory still haunted him.

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  • Author Tess Gerritsen
  • Quote

    When you cannot see where you are going, when you do not know your final destination, every hour is its own eternity.

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  • Author Tess Gerritsen
  • Quote

    Even divorce, she thought, cannot erase all the bonds forged by years of marriage. Long after the papers are signed, decrees notarized, the ties still remain. And the most powerful tie of all is written in a child’s flesh and blood.

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  • Author Tess Gerritsen
  • Quote

    That’s what I imagined, a giant game park with comfortable lodges and roads. At a minimum, roads. According to the website, there’d be “bush camping” involved, but I pictured lovely big tents with showers and flush toilets. I didn’t think I’d be paying for the privilege of squatting in the bushes.

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